
The Department of Chemistry of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
has dynamic and friendly and cooperative faculty members active in all areas of chemical research, and whose research is internationally recognized. The Department has become truly "The center of science" since its activities intimately involve areas such as: Molecular biology, Molecular physics, Material sciences, Nano-technology, Biotechnology, Environmental science, Drug design, Forensic science and others.
Our Mission
is both to arouse and develop incipient scientific curiosity into a mature interest in chemistry and science, so as to further the fundamental aim of humanity - the progress of knowledge and understanding of ourselves and our environment. We aim to fully prepare students at graduation either to meet the varied and in-depth challenges in a career outside of chemistry and in our society at large, or to develop students who are so inclined into researchers capable of making exciting new discoveries in a research or development program either within a university, industrial or government organization. In order to achieve this aim, we conduct instruction that provides for a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts, and an in-depth appreciation in contemporary, and emerging area of chemistry and related disciplines.

The Department
presently has 20 faculty members, who have diverse backgrounds, and are at forefront of their fields of research on an international basis. There are currently about 290 undergraduate chemistry majors, around 90 graduate students, and above 50 post-doctoral associates and visiting fellows in the Department. The dynamism of the Department is reflected in the large number of publications appearing in primary international scientific journals.
The Faculty
members conduct research programs in collaboration with research groups in the USA, in England, in continental Europe, in Australia, in Japan, Singapore and Thailand, and the Chinese Mainland. In addition, the faculty members conduct vigorous teaching programs. The programs permit the construction of a solid knowledge platform by being able to comprehend, appreciate, and become attracted to the fascination of contemporary chemistry, be it practical, theoretical or of an applied nature in the later undergraduate years.

The Undergraduate
teaching programs cover all aspects of chemistry and related disciplines. General areas covered include analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Specialized areas include environmental chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biological chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials chemistry including nanostructures, advanced instrumentation, advanced computational and theoretical chemistry.
The Postgraduate
programs emphasize training in original research focusing on fundamental, interdisciplinary and applied areas. Among such areas with greatest potential to achieve significant results of relevance to our society are studies of proteins and enzymes, of biologically active molecules, new synthetic methods, materials science, environmental chemistry, and use of computational methods.

The Department has modern laboratories well equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, glassware, chemicals and other items required for all our teaching and research activities.
The Department seeks to sustain and enhance its excellence in research and professional training. We welcome you to visit our website to know more about our research areas and teaching programs.