Postgraduate Program Admission

The postgraduate programs of the Department emphasize training in original research, focusing on fundamental, interdisciplinary and applied areas. Among such areas with greatest potential to achieve significant results of relevance to the growth of technological industry are studies of biologically active molecules, new synthetic methods and materials, and surface chemistry. The Department has modern well equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art instrumentation, glassware, chemicals and other items required for all research activities as covered by the above areas. Research postgraduate students also have access to instrumentation shared with other Departments within the University. Opportunity is provided for research students to participate in both local and overseas conferences.


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General University Requirements

Research PG Programs

For MPhil/PhD degree programs, applicants should:

  • have obtained a bachelor's degree from HKUST or a recognized institution, or obtained an approved equivalent qualification; and
  • satisfy the school and department as to their fitness to pursue the postgraduate program.

NON-local students must allow time to obtain a Hong Kong student visa.

For details of University Admission Requirement, please refer to the website of Fok Ying Tung Graduate School.


Taught PG Programs

For CHEM MSc degree program, please refer to The MSc in Analytical Chemistry Program Website


English Language Requirements

For the English language requriement, please refer to

Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies - Admission Requirements

In addition to the above, individual school and department may stipulate higher English proficiency requirement.


Research Program Offer

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • PhD programs require a combination of coursework and independent research, with major emphasis placed on research.

  • Normal Duration of Study

Full-time: 3 years if a relevant master's degree is earned prior to entering the PhD program

                4 years with a first degree

Part-time: 8 years

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme


Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

  • MPhil programs are normally several terms in duration and require a combination of coursework and independent research.
  • Normal Duration of Study
Full-time: 2 years
Part-time:4 years

For Further Information

For application form and further details about our postgraduate programs, please visit or contact:

HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School
Room 6418 (Lifts 25/26), Academic Building
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong
(852) 2623 1120
Email :